TWP Tours goes rural for a unique tour to El Vizcaino Biosphere Reserve in Baja California Sur. Travel between magic pueblos and fishing villages along both coasts of Baja California Sur. See and learn how fisheries protection and ecotourism provides a stable economy for coastal populations on this arid peninsula. Meet communities planting mangrove forests, set out to sea to pet gray whales, sleep in magic pueblos, and swim with sea lions and juvenile whale sharks. Mexico as a whole is of increasing interest to us at TWP tours because of its geographic role as a bridge for migration of birds and humans between the U.S. and Central America.

Baja California's charm and uniqueness lies in its rugged simplicity and raw connections with local "choyeros and choyeras" (Baja-born folk) who are proud of their beautiful heritage and passionate about sharing their love for their land and lifestyles with visitors. This is still the Wild West. Visitors will be charmed by the personable qualities of their lodging experiences, whether in a magical pueblo's cozy hotel or a solar powered single-room cabin facing the gray whales' nursery along the Pacific shoreline. Most of our trip will be in rural areas where food is locally sourced. You can expect to be offered a lot of seafood including seasonal fish, shellfish (shrimp, scallops, oysters, octopus) and other traditional local food!

  • Travel between magic pueblos, oasis towns, and fishing villages along both coasts of Baja California Sur

  • See and learn how fisheries protection and ecotourism provide a stable economy for coastal populations on this arid peninsula

  • Hike through the Sierra de San Francisco to explore Rock Art and Cave Paintings left by the Cochimí thousands of years ago

  • Visit and interact with the friendly Gray Whale mothers and calves of the San Ignacio Lagoon

  • Step out of the urban sprawl and see some of the natural, historical and cultural treasures within a days drive of the Capital.


Tour dates to come.